Microsoft Access

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Most organizations maintain and manage large amounts of information. One of the most efficient and powerful ways of managing data is by using relational databases. Information can be stored, linked, and managed using a single relational database application and its associated tools. In this course, you will examine the basic database concepts, and create and modify databases and their various objects using the Microsoft® Office Access™ relational database application.

You will create and modify new databases and their various objects.

This course is designed for students who wish to learn the basic operations of the Microsoft Access database application to perform their day-to-day responsibilities, and to understand the advantages that using a relational database application can bring to their business processes. The Introduction course is for the individual whose job responsibilities include designing and creating new databases, tables, and relationships; creating and maintaining records; locating records; and producing reports based on the information in the database.

At minimum, students should have completed “Windows For Beginners”  or possess equivalent knowledge before starting this course.

Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

This course is one of a series of PC Professor training courses that addresses Microsoft Certified Applications Specialist (MCAS) and/or Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) skill sets. These certification programs are for individuals who use Microsoft’s business desktop software and who seek recognition for their expertise with specific Microsoft products. Candidates must pass one or more proficiency exams in order to become certified.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Examine the basic database concepts and explore the Microsoft Access environment.
  • Design a simple database.
  • Build a new database with related tables.
  • Manage data in a table.
  • Query a database using different methods.
  • Design forms.
  • Generate reports.

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