Give The Gift of Knowledge, A PC Professor Tuition Scholarship

If you would like to give the gift of knowledge and purchase a PC Professor class, here is the form to do so. It can be used to give either a full or partial scholarship to the recipient of your choice, or, as an anonymous donation to cover the tuition of a student in need of financial assistance.
Not only will your recipient’s full class scholarship include a comprehensive course covering the desired material, but it also includes all books, tools, audit classes, practice time, library usage, phone support, and, in the case of our 100+ hour vocational classes, job placement assistance. We have been offering such academic training, services and support services professionally since 1989 and look forward to working with you and/or your recipient.
Tuition Gift Certificates and/or Computer Repair Gift Certificates
They say that if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for life. A tuition scholarship to a PC Professor computer training class is a gift that will be remembered by your recipient for years to come and one which will allow him or her to benefit far more than most conventional gifts.